
As it is with any hobby, the amount of stuff and equipment grows with the years. The video below was taken in January,2000 and gives an impression of the activity in my shack. Unfortunately, the original high-quality movie file is lost, so I can only give you a small version of it, which I found saved at some time.



The area with the transceivers most used can be seen in the picture below (click on it if you want a really huge and detailed version of it).



After several years this gave me the following list of commercial ham equipment (besides a lot of home-brewed modems, amplifiers and many more):



VHF   Kenwood TR9000 with system base BO-9 and external power supply PS-20 mounted in the shack
    Kenwood TR2600 with base stand ST-2 (portable)
    Kenwood TM221 with external power supply (installed in the living room to be QRV at all times ...)
    Yeasu FT212RH installed in my car for mobile communication
VHF/UHF   Kenwood TM-V7 2m/70cm
    satellite tuner Strong SRT 331LT
SHF   13 cm ATV kit by ON7IZ and pre-amplifier by ON7IZ (approx. 500 mW)
HF   Kenwood TS-940S with station monitor SM-220, SP-940 and MC-60


    Daiwa CNA-2002 2kW automatic antenna tuner
    Yeasu G-1000SDX antenna rotor
    Daiwa PS-120 XM power supply (0-15 Volts / 14 A)
    Daiwa LA-2065 GaAs VHF linear amplifier (output approx. 60 W)
    Welz SP-230 VHF power & SWR meter
    TSA-6601 144/430 MHz power & SWR meter


VHF   9 element Tonna 144 MHz beam
    Comet omnidirectional 144 MHz ( lambda/4) one for the shack and another for the living room ...
UHF   64 element Jaybeam 430 MHz beam
    Comet omnidirectional 430 MHz (lambda/4)
SHF   62 element RSE for sending on 13 cm (2300-2450 MHz)
    49 element FlexYagi FX2317 for reception of 23 cm
HF   3 band beam Cushcraft 7 element X7
    Barker-Williamson dipole all band (0-30 MHz)


    80 cm parabole with 4 element Yagi
Grundig MST100 Meteosat Receiver

and, of course, some PC's, laptops and lots of smaller apparatus and components ...